Accelerate your blog's growth (and your freedom!) by joining the 2025 Eat Blog Talk Mastermind Program.
Accepting Intermediate and Advanced food bloggers only in 2025.

The team at Eat Blog Talk is ready to guide you through a transformative 12-month experience where you will accomplish more than you would be able to in 5+ years when forging ahead alone. 

 This blogging academy will be the catapult to achieving your goals faster than you ever thought possible and will be the best investment you’ll make in your blogging business!

Monica Davis
Food Blogger at The Hidden Veggies

Signing up for the Eat Blog Talk mastermind was a great investment in both my business and in myself. Megan is as smart, kind and genuine as she comes across on her podcast plus her extensive knowledge about food blogging makes her the perfect facilitator for the group. The mastermind forced me to prioritize my blog and set aside time every week to collaborate with like-minded bloggers. These meetings were incredibly helpful to brainstorm methods and strategies to grow my traffic and try new revenue streams. I only wish that I had done it sooner.

Hi, I’m Megan! 

I have been a food blogger for 13 years, so I understand the loneliness, the overwhelm and the pressure to do it all. I am deeply immersed in this world and stay up-to-speed with the latest info and trends. This mastermind program is near and dear to my heart. With 250 hours of facilitating these groups under my belt and an intense respect for the work that you do, I am committed to serving you at the highest level!

There is no college degree in food blogging! The Eat Blog Talk mastermind blogging academy will provide you with the information you need, but you don't know how to get. Get answers to your questions within hours (and sometimes minutes!) instead of making mistakes for years and having to do massive cleanup retroactively.

From the Mouths of Members
Food Blogger at Sweetly Splendid

The mastermind gave me a full growth experience.

Food Blogger at Talking Meals

The price tag is minimal compared to what you get back from the group. The motivation and support are invaluable.”

Food Blogger at Cook Eat Go

You're investing in your business and yourself and it's worth it.

Food Blogger at Eating Works

“Before, I felt like I was just spinning my wheels. Now I have a clear picture of my goals and what I want from my site.”

How Much Does it Cost and What is Included?

2025 EBT Mastermind Program$10997

The Eat Blog Talk mastermind blogging academy requires a commitment of 12 months (Jan-Dec 2025). The following is included:

  • Weekly guidance. Our weekly Zoom calls have a “hot-seat” focus, rotating through members who present a challenge, obstacle or project they need help with. The other members come together in a spirit of harmony to assist the hot-seat member in overcoming objections or challenges about the topic at hand.
  • Quality time with experts. Our members get access to some of the most renowned entrepreneurs, food bloggers and other experts who work with them in real time once per month to grow their businesses.
  • Accelerated learning sessions. Learn from other members! A handful of times each year, members hold their own Zoom calls to deliver value about various aspects of our jobs. 
  • Daily support. We get it, you need personalized help and you need it fast! Members have access to a Slack channel where they can ask specific questions as they move through their days and weeks. There is a quick response rate within this channel! 
  • Personalized coaching. 1:1 planning and goal-setting coaching session with Megan.
  • Kick-off retreat. Attend a 2-night retreat early in 2025 (place and date TBD) for members to get to know each other in person! All expenses paid, excluding airfare and airport transfers. If you are unable to attend this retreat, you will receive 50% off a 2025 non-mastermind EBT retreat.

The competition in our space is fierce! This is a job you can no longer do on your own. Join our tribe to cut through the garbage and massively accelerate your blog's growth.

From the Mouths of Members
Brittany and Terrence
Food Bloggers at Plant Power Couple

“If you feel isolated and struggle with believing in yourself, joining the group is the biggest thing that can change your mindset.

Food Blogger at Kickass Baker

“It's turned into such a valuable experience and it is exactly what I was looking for.

Food Blogger at Butter and Baggage

"Since joining the EBT mastermind I've developed confidence in myself and what I can accomplish. It's the best investment I could have made."

Food Blogger at Hot Pan Kitchen

"The EBT mastermind has been so helpful. Recently I was stuck with my content creation and got such good feedback - now I can't stop thinking of new avenues to explore!"

Results You Will See After 12 Months
  • Specialized learning. You will have an understanding about how to use GSC, GA4 and Pinterest analytics. You will have a solid strategy for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Pinterest. You will have knowledge about post structure, blog design, email strategies, digital products and sales pages.
  • SEO knowledge. You will understand how to effectively use keyword research tools such as RankIQ and Keysearch.
  • Accelerated growth. Experience a remarkable rate of learning and growth in 12 months.
  • Elevated revenue and traffic. Watch revenue and blog traffic increase, as you implement strategies learned through expert guidance and peer support.
  • Increased confidence. Gain a massive boost in confidence as you overcome challenges you didn't think were possible. 
  • Clarity and focus. Attain crystal-clear clarity about your priorities and what your exact next steps should be. 
  • Enhanced communication skills. Sharpen your communication abilities, empowering you to connect authentically with your audience and industry peers. 
  • Expanded network. Cultivate a vast network of like-minded influential experts, opening up new business opportunities and collaborations. 

Case Studies

Read Kara's case study (Sweetly Splendid) and how she formed close friendships and experienced a full growth experience in the EBT mastermind program!

Read Carrie's case study (Talking Meals) and how she tripled her traffic less than one year into the EBT mastermind program!

Read Maren's case study (Eating Works) and how she qualified for Mediavine in just a few short months after joining the EBT mastermind program!

Read Kim's case study (Kickass Baker) and how she qualified for the AdThrive ad network 6 months into the EBT mastermind program!

Read Brittany and Terrence's case study (Plant Power Couple) and how they increased their income very quickly after joining the EBT mastermind program!

Read Barbara's case study (Butter and Baggage) and how she grew her email list and got into an ad network after joining the EBT mastermind program!

Read Jenn's case study (Cook Eat Go) and how she gained meaningful, lasting connections inside the EBT mastermind program!

What Sets This Group Apart From Others
  • Dedicated leadership. You benefit from a committed leader (me!) who shows up consistently, providing my time, love and expertise to guide and support members throughout their journeys. 
  • Vast experience. I have logged over 250 hours of facilitating these groups, so you can trust in the extensive experience that drives the program's success.
  • Powerful networking. My superpower is connecting individuals with the right people who can best assist and serve them, fostering valuable relationships within the community.
  • Curated expertise. Access to the best and most relevant experts in the food blogging industry through monthly guest expert calls, ensuring you receive cutting-edge insights and knowledge. 
  • Top priority. These mastermind groups are a priority in my business, ensuring a focused and dedicated effort to cultivate a supportive, loving, and friendship-driven culture. 
  • Information sharing. Members actively engage in sharing relevant and valuable information, creating a collaborative and dynamic environment for growth and learning. 
  • Life-changing transformations. Countless transformations occur within the mastermind program, and with your commitment, you too can experience remarkable progress in your blogging journey. 
  • Lasting relationships. Forge meaningful connections that extend beyond the mastermind program, forming friendships and professional relationships that enrich your blogging career.

Melissa Erdelac
Food Blogger at MamaGourmand
"Eat Blog Talk’s masterminds are a total game changer. Where I used to be stuck trying to figure this all out alone, it creates an instant community of support. The best part is, you keep growing. It doesn’t matter what level you are at, a fresh perspective and team problem solving kept my trajectory strong. I cannot recommend them enough!"

This Blogging Academy Is For You If You Are:
  • Positive, helpful, supportive and willing to serve the other members of the group at the highest level
  • Either a full-time food blogger or you're monetizing (or ready to monetize) your blogging business
  • Ready to make an investment in your business that will have the biggest impact out of anything you have ever invested in. 
  • Prepared to level-up your business growth
  • Ready to upgrade your peer group
  • Prepared to watch a powerful transformation evolve for you and your business. 
  • Eager to learn from the best experts in the industry
  • Willing to make yourself and your business a priority
  • Yearning to take back your time and move forward with renewed clarity and purpose. 
  • Committed to your business and ready to dig in, on a deeper level than ever before.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is the time committment for this program?
    There is a 12-month commitment to being inside the group, with weekly 90-minute Zoom calls.
  • How many Zoom calls will I need to attend?
    Life is life, so missing calls is understandably bound to happen, but we ask members to do their best to attend most calls.
  • What is the investment?
    The cost for the 12-month duration is $10,997 and can be paid in full or in monthly installments of $1,000.
  • What are the guest expert calls about?
    One guest expert joins us in a separate call every month, teaching us about topics ranging from SEO to Pinterest to mindset and everything in between. These calls carry high value, no fluff involved!

  • What if I feel like I don't have much to offer the group?
    I so strongly believe that EVERYONE has something to offer, no matter your experience level. I just ask that you show up ready to contribute and serve freely on the calls.
  • Can new bloggers join the mastermind?
    The 2025 mastermind group will be geared toward intermediate and advanced bloggers only.
  • What do you look for when selecting members?
    I love this question. I look for 3 things!
    - A determined and passionate spirit about being in this field and moving toward achieving those big dreams.
    - Intermediate to advanced blogging level.
    - A willingness to speak up, share freely and give advice to your fellow entrepreneurs.
  • When is the in-person retreat, who will be there and what is included?
    The location and exact dates of the 2025 retreat are TBD. The only retreat attendees will be 2025 Mastermind members! Lodging and food are included for the duration of the retreat. Airfare and airport transfers not included. If you are unable to attend this retreat, you can attend a (non-mastermind) EBT retreat at 50% off in 2025 (airfare and airport transfers excluded).

Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


  • Total payment
  • 1x2025 EBT Mastermind Program$10997

All prices in USD